You are welcome here.

There is a place for you at the table.

There are many ways to become involved
in our community!

If you are interested in learning more,
you can subscribe
to our newsletter
or reach out to us here.

Here are some of the things
our community is doing . . .

Community Dinners.

We regularly get together in a community member’s home to connect with one another, share a meal, have great conversation, support and encourage one another, and pray with and for each other.

Humans are meant to be in community. Christians are meant to support one another in their walk with and towards Jesus.

You were not meant to be alone, but to thrive in deep relationships with friends who care for you.

And all who believed were together and had all things in common; and they sold their possessions and goods and distributed them to all, as they had need.

And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they partook of food with glad and generous hearts, praising God.

— Acts 2: 44-47


Our hearts were created to
know, love and
serve Jesus,
to walk with Him
and to
follow in His footsteps.

He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
(John 14: 6.)

In our post Christian society, many are confused about who Jesus is and what He says. Many have been wounded by church leadership or by Christian communities. Many think of discipleship as a set of rules to follow, and do not understand the love of Jesus.

If you do not feel loved and known by Jesus,
He is waiting for you
to come to know Him better.

As a community,
we encourage one another and grow together in discipleship.

School of the Heart is our main way of growing in discipleship together.  


We strive and pray to be
the face, heart, hands, feet and
eyes of Jesus to everyone we meet.

One of the people groups that we have been called to serve is
the Congolese refugees in the Seattle area. Through our work with the Seattle Archdiocese Welcome Circles and the
Congolese Integration Network (CIN),
we are growing in relationship
with this community and have many opportunities to serve those in need and welcome the stranger.

Join us! If you are would like to learn more about community, discipleship or outreach,
you can reach out to us here.

If you would like to make a financial gift to help us build community,
nurture discipleship or serve those in need, please click the donate button below.

Donations made to Sanctus are used for SOTH scholarships, outreach projects, communication, our emergency fund, equipping leadership, website design and management, technology, supplies, lowering the costs of retreats, and fulfilling our mission of building God’s kingdom in the Seattle area.

If you itemize on your taxes, Sanctus is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, and your contribution does qualify for a deduction. So, make your tax-deductible donation now!

Thank you!